My house finch

Backyard birding is fun. I never thought that my simple bird feeders can attract beautiful birds that I even don't know the name or familiar with. But this Winter I really vow myself to take care of my backyard birds for I remember that I do have a bird pet when I was young. It was on a cage but one day it escaped. From then on I don't have any liking to have a pet even until now. This time it's different the birds are not in the cage for I don't like it too, I want them to be free, and I already reap what I sow ^_^ Since last Winter I see different kind of birds like this one. This is called house finch and I am amazed of the color. It's reddish on the head and brown on the body. God creation is indeed beautiful!!

                                                               My Ruby Red Tuesday


Kramer said…
Spectacular captures, especially the detail of the close-up.
Meri said…
I used to have house finches aplenty in my yard in Maryland. None here in the Pacific Northwest, though. But I do get lots of hummingbirds and an occasional goldfinch.
Ralph said…
A beautiful bird! We need to have cameras ready at all times, such a view is one to catch in the moment. Stunning capture, we ought to consider a bird feeder for more of these. A bold ruby on its head!
Gemma Wiseman said…
Such a pretty little bird, posing beautifully for the camera! Love the detail in that first photo especially!
Mirage said…
oh, i see this is different from the yellow one earlier? Your lucky to be surrounded!
Jama said…
Great captures! I wish the birds that flew on my neighbour's pomelo tree stay long enough for me to grab my camera!
Carol said…
Amazing shots!
Mom's Place said…
ay ang cute nya Kim, parang ang sarap halikan hehehe. Anyway, was here for RT.
Gorgeous shots, Kim...
Lovely birds :)
Emm said…
Wow Kim, you really have an eye in Photography; 'love the pictures!

BTW, here's mine.. My Entry

Cheers! =)
Nice captures of your backyard birds!
Perry said…
I get a house finch around my feeder too. They are so pretty. Well done!
Mona said…
wow, love the shots really nice ... Your new follower, hope you can follow me back thanks
Loree said…
That is indeed a beautiful bird. Thanks for visiting.
Chubskulit Rose said…
Lovely shots ate Kim.

My RT link, please come and see.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for your visit and comment. your bird photos are fantastic!

Light Trigger

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