Barn Charm

                                                     I like the surrounding of this barn it is neat.

            I knew this barn is owned by Amish because we saw on the other side their carriage. I noticed
                                    that the roofs of these barns are new, did you see that?

                                                                      BARN CHARM


Rose said…
I like how the Amish always try to keep things in good repair...I like that first shot, too.
Mari said…
Rose is right - Amish farms are always kept up well. That first barn doesn't look like it's going to be around long. It makes a nice picture though!
Anonymous said…
I like the clean lines surrounding the barn in the first shot too - and then there's the barn with it wavering lines. Nice contrast.
Jimh. said…
interesting! I didn't see until you pointed it out! Nice barns!
Andy said…
Barns that are falling apart are common in Ontario.
Tanya Breese said…
yes, so well maintained!
Lesley said…
the wavy lines of the first barn look rather precarious!
Jan n Jer said…
The Amish do take very good care of their barns! Nice shots!
Anonymous said…
I'm not quite sure how that 1st barn is still standing, but I love it... awesome find! And that 2nd shot is definitely a large working farm WoW!

Thank you for joining Barn Charm, Kim, & here's to another year =)
Judy said…
Love the top barn...and yes the Amish do keep their barns in good shape.
EG CameraGirl said…
Good sleuthing, Kim! The Amish tend to take very good care of their barns.

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