Need a new phone

It's been a year now that I am only using a pre-paid phone. Good thing we have a house phone so if friends call me they had to call our house phone because I for sure won't answer my cellphone lol! Today, I was sorting our bills and I found out that DH contract for his phone is already done this month wohoo! So I suggested to him why not we both gonna transfer to metro pcs because I found out that they do have good phones and have plenty of plan options. Hubby is not into super high tech cellphones, he told me what he need a hardy phone not a cellphone that easily get broke. He works all the time in his pole barn and he constantly drops his cellphone, that is why he asked me to find a very good one. I for myself I like to be high tech hehehe, the one that you can check your emails or your other social network. I am not into texting but I like to surf on the internet. We are so ready to change and go to any metro pcs store but because of this winter storm we might as well go tomorrow. Hope I could find a pink cellphone ^_^


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