My youngest niece birthday today!

Yay!! Today the August 13th is my youngest niece birthday. We call her AG a summary of her real name Angel Grace. I named all my three nieces Grace's because they are a grace from God. AG was born premature, she stayed at the hospital and in incubator for days. When she was born I was called immediately because "they" said that she might not make it. When I was in the hospital, in the nursery room with babies having problem (what is that room called?)  together with my SIL the nurse in the desk told us, which I won't never forget her's like this.."it's only prayer that the baby will survive", in other words my niece is between life and death? I don't understand it and I don't understand it why but at the back of my mind, she will survived she is given to us from God. So when we approached the incubator, looking at her so tiny, very fragile and with the nurses words my heart broke but I keep myself not to burst in tears. Instead I say something to my tiny niece, I said...."You will survive, we love you!" And at that moment I see a tiny smile formed on her mouth, I knew right there everything will be fine and it is. That was seven years ago and this little girl is not in school, very active plays a lot, she has her mind of her own, I observe her as very independent, she can be with friends or not she is fine with it. AG is my 3rd niece and I so love her very much.  Happy Birthday AG someday you are going to read this and we love very much!! 

Note: A for Angel because she is an angel to us
         G because she is a grace to us


I understand how AG's mum felt, because I went through the same, those words." She won't make it." God chose to let AG live, and lets all pray she will do great things for the Lord. She who had been snatched from the devil's mouth.

Happy Birthday AG.

Please buy a present for AG's mum too.
hahai.ponce said…
Happy Birthday AG!

All kids are precious to us. They become more dear to us if at a very very young stage, they go through difficulties and yet survived.

AG is not only an Angel and a grace to your family but a constant reminder for our daily life's survival :)

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