Weekend in Black and White

 Found this bird house on top of a post.

                                                I am linking to Weekend in Black and White


Marie said…
That was a cute house. Who´s living ther?
Dragonstar said…
That's the nicest little house I've seen!
Carver said…
What a great bird house.
Anonymous said…
What I would call a 'rustic' wee house.

The island is Inishfree Upper, Co. Donegal, Ireland.
ruthi said…
awesome! I love it. I love bird houses and this one is really unique.
Paula said…
Certainly not your run-of-the-mill birdhouse. Some real craftsmanship went into this one. Beautiful!
paul said…
Lovingly constructed, nice textures.
Did you see any eggs? Real nice, B & W photo.

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