Men don't ask you need NAVTEQ

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of NAVTEQ. All opinions are 100% mine.

Hubby and I love to travel and so far we traveled at least 10 states. One time we went to Indiana to get the tractor that he bought online. It was his first time to be in this state and you know what as far as my eyes could see it's all corn fields and it's flat land. We've been looking for this certain road but we couldn't find it. It was already getting dark and we passed this party store/ gasoline station and I suggested hubby to asked somebody but he won't!! What's the  matter with this men they don't want to ask and frankly speaking we are already lost. So I myself decided to ask the man inside the party store and he happened to be a cop, thank gracious!! And because of that we were able to find the road and the house that we were looking for, for hours!!

And because of that experienced I really told hubby that we have to be prepared and we should always have a  map update  every time we go out of state and even here in Michigan. And I also reprimanded him that if he thinks he get lost he should tell me lol!! Anyway, I heard from my relatives and friends that they don't want to travel by plane. It's because of what is going on in the airport and they don't want to be tap all over lol! So most of my relatives and friends said that they would travel by land. And that's when I heard that they also do their map update  because many of my relatives find it very helpful to them. Some places has many road work and if you don't like to pass a gravel road the maps   would tell you that.

I am very thankful that with all the new technology that we have it now this kind of service does really help us. Specially that Christmas season is fast approaching  we need to have this for all of us to be in our destination on time.  This morning I heard that my DH grand kids are going to Florida for the Christmas season I would  tell them to have a map update   and to all my friends out there who always visit me here please do update your maps it's for your good. Happy weekend!                            


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