Choose Life

Right now I am watching MARCH FOR LIFE at EWTN channel. They have been doing this for 38 years, that's how many years since America legalize abortion!!
I was in my senior years in college when one time in our Social studies course our teacher showed us how to used all kinds of contraceptives. And that was like 26 years ago and I am so surprised because here in America they introduce it to the kids and teens!! At that time when I was in college I don't even understand why we have to used it and what for? What could a kid and teens think about it now too? 
As the years came unfolding I became young adult, did work and with my two siblings got married some problems arises. My sister has a problem with her marriage and ended up separating her husband but  she became so depressed and out of reality since then. Then came another man of his life and they bore three beautiful children. 
THESE made me thank God so much because amidst of her personal difficulty she didn't choose to ABORT this three beautiful children God has gifted to her. My brother don't have his own biological kid and so am I. We are gifted three beautiful ones and we (me and my brother) as our own. Even if we are not in good terms with our sister because of her choices and ways in life, we were able to raised her kids beautifully. 
Before if a friend ask me who are this kids? Is this yours? And I answered them they are my nieces and I changed it I told them they are my daughters and son. It made them tickled and I see how their eyes lit up when I say that. 
One time my son asked me "Ma why you told your friend I am your son when I am your nephew?" I told him right through his eyes... you may not come from my tummy but God put you right here in my heart and God gave you to me and to your Uncle (my brother). And I see his face the most beautiful smile and he embraced me which I felt so good. I also tell this to my two daughters and I got the same result a sweet smile and a very long embraced. Since then they never asked, they felt contented, and loved!
Today, I've been thinking while listening to the stories of those people who aborted their babies, what if my sister aborted her children too? I couldn't fathom the idea that they are not part of our life. Me and my husband, my brother and his wife love and enjoyed them so much. Right now since my sister abandoned them my brother is the one raising them and I even if I am very far had to call them at least once a week  to talked to them and supported them financially. I am happy just by listening their voices, their reports about what happened to his/her brother and sister. And my brother also put a lot of photos of them in his FB account which from time to time I always look if their is newly posted.
We felt so blessed that we have them in our life because if they are not my life isn't the same. I love them and thank God for this opportunity that HE give to us.
                                                                     mg, ag and gp


Jennifer said…
Thanks for the message on my 2nd meme for mellow yellow monday.

You have a great family. You have been blessed by being kind and generous. Because whatever will happen, it all ends up in our family....

have a great day ahead!
emmanuelmateo said…
you have a blessed family po.let there be love always in you.God bless po nd thank u sa pagdalaw.
so cute, my bro was a scout.

How often do you return to the Philipines?

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