Organizing Kids' Closets

Guest written by our friend Sergio Chaney

It may seem obvious, but a great way to get kids ready for school is to go through their closets and organize them. This simple thing can make kids feel refreshed and secure that they are ready to rock the next semester. I am always sure to put the kids at a relatives' house before starting this endeavor.
I usually like to work alone when I am cleaning out the kids' closets. So, I make sure to drop off the kids at my sister's house. While I am working, however, I make sure to set the home security alarm system. Since I am working upstairs, there is no way for me to see if a person enters the downstairs of our home. This thought once used to make me nervous, but I am no longer nervous with an alarm (ADT Security Floridaprices) set. I know that if someone enters, then they will be caught.
I go through all of my kids' clothes and take out any clothes that are too small. Then I am sure to put them into garbage bags and donate them to the local Salvation Army. This is a great way to get awesome tax breaks too, which my husband is always grateful for. He knows I work my best to save the family money. Organizing a child's closet is the best way to get him or her ready for school!


teJan said…
Thanks for sharing this tips manang kim..huh organizing kids closet realy mah problem:)

good day!
emmanuelmateo said…
wla pa me kids..hehe good morning manang kim..naimbag a bigat mo

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