His New Job

Authored by Raymond Whitney

My brother recently accepted a job all the way out in Ohio and I’m really missing him a lot. We’ve gotten really close in the last few years and he’s actually got twin girls so I miss them a lot too. I know it’s a really good opportunity for him but I sure wish it had been closer to home so he didn’t have to go so far. I know he’s having a hard time adjusting, too, since they’ve got a country house now and he’s really used to being in town. I told him about hTTP://WWW.WILDBLUEDEALS.COM which I found looking around online and he said that’s helping his wife cope with some of the boredom. I love my brother and we’re a really close family so I hope he’s happy but that he gets to come home in a few years! We need him here to help round out the family and my mom is absolutely driving me up the wall – Ronnie come back soon!


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