Signs, signs

                       This was taken at Niagara Falls, Canada's Ripleys Believe it or not museum
            One thing that I am thankful is that I was not born in this era. But at the same time if I was born in this generation and happened to be in the Chinese culture and rich, I think I would also have to follow this tradition for I don't have any choice. I can only say that I am thankful that I was not born in this generation because I see how painful it is when at the age of three both your feet are broken for the purpose of getting a good husband. 
           But then I realize too that in our generation we have this kind of putting ourselves in danger just to get or find a good husband, to feel beautiful because our society tells us that, that is the real beauty.  What about boob enhancement,  women who wants to be taller many went under the knife, cut the legs to stretch the body, nose lift, and all those lift and not to forget be thin and slim!!  Every generation has it's own way of making you feel beautiful but does it matter? Can we find real love with all these enhancement? Can we buy love? Do you most likely follow the trend society dictated to us? One thing though I have a choice unlike in the 19th century or other centuries they don't have any, what a way to life huh?

                                                            My SIGNS, SIGNS and


EG CameraGirl said…
The price of "beauty" is not often cheap, I fear.
Pat said…
Those slippers are something else! I read a book (fiction) a few months ago on this very topic called, "Snowflower and the Secret Fan". It is now coming out as a movie. The book was very good.
Anonymous said…
Amen to EG WOW's comment.
Gemma Wiseman said…
A very painful reminder of culture pressures! Great find!
genie said…
I agree with Gemma...such a painful reminder of days gone by. Your picture is so poignant. You asked about Buddy...he is hiking alone though he does see other hikers along the route. He has always down it that way. As for our did not do worth a hoot this summer. So sad. At least I did get a pretty rainbow. genie
Maude Lynn said…
I can't even imagine how painful that must have been!
Thank goodness, that practise is no longer in vogue!


Enamored of red
I lie in my bed,
Dreaming of cherry-filled crèmes;

For red’s a fine shade,
The prettiest made,
And gives me the sweetest of dreams.

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Red and Yellow Rooftops
Lynette Killam said…
Great shot, and an excellent post, Kim! How awful that young girls had to go through that in the name of beauty...and as you say, some still do extreme things to make them feel more beautiful, when real beauty is what's inside us...:)
Hootin Anni said…
I once recall reading about this, but only thought it was folklore instead of truth. My goodness, my goodness!

HOT TOWN SUMMER IN THE CITY is my link for Thursday's Themesong.
Luna Miranda said…
foot-binding was a terrible custom. small feet as a standard for beauty is mind-boggling. i agree with Lynette, true beauty is NOT what others thought about you...personally, i prefer innate beauty.
Yogi♪♪♪ said…
We all need to be happy with the body God gave us.
Scrappy Grams said…
I read about this practice when I was young in books by Pearl Buck. But you are right, there are other traditions here in USA that make physical beauty something for girls to go through Hades to achieve.
I am not born perfect, but I am glad I don't have to have enhancements.
Saun said…
This is sad I can't imagine thanks for sharing.
Joyful said…
When I first learned of foot binding, I felt very sorry for the women. I just saw the movie "Snow Flake and the Secret Fan" and there they showed food binding again. I just think about the feet never healing from the brokeness. But as you say, every generation seems to have some practise that is not so good for us. Thankfully many of us do have choices in this day and age. Sadly, still there are some women who have no choices.
Anonymous said…
It’s hurting to hear about such cruelty happens in name of belief. We really need a change from such customs if it exists somewhere still. Being passionate about cultures I believe in change if it’s inhuman in any form . thanks for the post.
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