TNT I don't know what it means but I presumed it could be the owners initial    

                       OMG! I did not know that TNT is a dynamite ^_^ I thought it is the owners name initial.
                                     I think it is about time to go back and look around just being nosy ^_^

                                                       Barn Charm and Ruby Red Tuesday


Angela said…
Well that's a first! lol TNT... hum... must be the name of the farm. Beautiful barn though!
Ebie said…
hehehe, the initials made me laugh (tago ng tago)

Great find!
Rose said…
That is a first for me...and it is on a great barn!
Anonymous said…
TNT is dynamite, so I'm not sure why it would be on a barn, unless they have DYNAMITE Thoroughbred horses in there or maybe they're making dynamite in a barn? heheheee
Seriously, tho, the barn is gorgeous & WoW what a way to advertise! =)

Thanks, Kim =)
MarieElizabeth said…
This would be easy for people to find!
Beth said…
My first thought was, "Do the horse run like they have a bomb on them that's about to go off?!" :>)
Great adverizing--certainly captures attention!
Beautiful barn, Kim.
Ms. Becky said…
when I saw those initials in the thumbnail shot it made me laugh. I thought it was humourous! it's a charming barn Kim. happy Tuesday to you.
Ruta said…
They must think their horses are dy-no-mite!
It is an interesting barn,
Bruce Clark said…
Love, love, love that barn.
The unique initial is so big and it really attracts other's attention :)
I guess there's no barn here...
forgetmenot said…
Such a big red barn!!!! Barns do always have a certain "charm" about them. Great shot. Mickie:)
Carletta said…
You certainly found a unique ruby for this week! :)
Great shots!
Elaine said…
It's a great looking barn. It would be interesting to know the story behind the name.
EG CameraGirl said…
It might be the owners' initials! It would make the name very clever, I think. :)
❀~Myrna~❀ said…
Love that unique red barn , great pics !
Red barns never fail to catch my attention!


A man who was out of his head
Was claiming he always saw red.
He saw it all day,
At work and at play,
And saw it at night while in bed.

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Teleférico rojo
Ingrid said…
Hahaha ! I would have run away before it blew up !

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