Barn Charm

                                                                         BARN CHARM

        I think this barn is pretty well maintained. I like the wheel on the side and other stuff. What you think?


EG CameraGirl said…
I think the barn will be around for a while longer - it has a concrete foundation and a metal roof.
Rose said…
I like this is really different.
Mari said…
What a big barn~! I love the things on the side too!
Carletta said…
Love the wheels alongside and that rusty tin roof!!!
It really is a long barn. :)
Elaine said…
I like it too! They have taken care to display the old wheels and equipment. So often you see stuff just jumbled around the yard.
Tanya Breese said…
it's a great barn, love that rusted roof!
Jill Wellington said…
First, I love the LONG barn...but my eyes were immediately drawn to the wheels. Barns are endlessly charming!
Jimh. said…
That is a neat barn. The wheels are fun!
Anonymous said…
very unique shape & sooo looong... i also like the decor along side, adds to the charm of the place

Thank you for joining, Kim - happy week =)
TexWisGirl said…
beautiful! love the huge roof!
Anonymous said…
I like the old wheels, they add a nice touch.
Judy said…
I love the wagon wheels decorating this barn. I've not seen a barn this shape around here...Nice find.
yes - the wheels are the best. nice :)
Ebie said…
So huge, and I agree, very well maintained too!

The wheels accented the charm of this barn.

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