Barn along I-96

                                       Looking at this photo made me think that this place is busy. I guess by now they are harvesting the corn and put it inside the silos. And whatever crops they have planted for sure by now they all harvested it. I also like the silos at the back it looks huge to me.

                                                                  BARN CHARM            


Rose said…
I bet that is one busy place, too!
Tanya Breese said…
this is one big production!
Anonymous said…
Those silos really ARE HUGE! LoL! Farmers are all working very hard right now to get the crops in =)

Thanks so much for joining, Kim =)))
I enjoy seeing all the barn photos. I have always thought it would be fun to be a farmer. HARD WORK THOUGH!
Carole said…
Definitely a working farm! Nice shots!


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