Baby Carriers

Have you seen the most comfortable easy to manage baby carriers? I know a website of a baby back carrier, which for me is the best. The website is  I was in this photo group few weeks ago and the weather was good everybody wants to get out before us here in Michigan felt autumn is here. Mothers need to get out too. They also have to enjoy their passion, which for some taking photos and be with nature. I was very impressed to see moms together with the husband’s and the kids taking time to enjoy the nature and took many photos. In fact, it is the best bonding for the family doing it all together. My hubby and I myself had a good time too. I did not bring birdseeds so I was not able to get close to the birds. Somehow, I am kind of a bit scared in letting them close to me the bird’s beak is long and I know for sure it is hard.
As we is almost done wandering the park looking for birds, flowers, and other beautiful things. I meet again the mom’s that I have talked before we begun walking. Therefore, I complimented how the baby carriers look very comfortable at their back. In addition, she told me that she too felt comfortable because the baby just sleeps while she was taking pictures.  I do not used to see this kind of carrying the baby here in the US. However, in my native country Philippines we carry the baby as close as we want it to be. Therefore, I was thinking to ask the community on how to handle or carry their babies would be fun. In addition, I know that every mom has its own opinion.


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