Friday Fences

Taken at Frederick Meijers Garden and Sculpture at Grand Rapids, Michigan

                                                           Linking to FRIDAY FENCES
                                                                   SHADOW SHOT SUNDAY


Real Ranch Wife said…
Loving the shadows from this fence!
Carletta said…
I like the curve of the fence and the shadows are terrific.
The black and white treatment suits this well Kim!
Saun said…
loving the shadow nice capture :)
Unknown said…
excellent find...i love it.
Unknown said…
Awesome fence shot..
tagged you in this one. so nice! the black and white shot. superb
Linda said…
What a beautiful shot! I always love shadow fences!
i think you have been changing up your blog. great look. i've been to michigan once with hubby recently ... we loved it. went all around the whole mitten. such a great big state. have a great weekend, Kim. take care. (:
Dianne said…
lovely shadows
and you captured the curve so perfectly
Jan n Jer said…
Great shadows from this wavy fence!
Lovely curvy shadows- great shot!
Kathy said…
It certainly creates a beautiful shadow.
Rose said…
Curves are just always good!
Gemma Wiseman said…
Gorgeous wave of shadowy, defined lines! Like a wonderful, abstract artwork!
Chubskulit Rose said…
Love the curvy shadows! Thanks for contributing art to shadow shots!

Coo Coo Clock Shadow
LV said…
That is an awesome shadow shot. Great job.
Lighthousegal said…
Love the curvy fence shadow. Fences make such great shadows and when they curve they are even more special. Great Capture!!
Beautiful shadow shot.

Regards and best wishes
DawnTreader said…
Nice curved shadow shot! Here's my SSS
Anonymous said…
Beautiful shadows, and great photo!
Chubby Chieque said…
So crisp captured. Seems you have a great weather over the big apple, huh?

Happy SSS...
jewaicious said…
What lovely shadows and lines, nice contrasts of light.
Kelly said…
I like the curve of the fence and the shadow.
Ralph said…
We see lines as often straight. Yet, the fence lines are curvy as well. Artistry is both full of lines and curves, and you have captured both!

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