Hidden Playground

A secret children playground.
                                                         Linking to FRIDAY FENCES and COLOR CONNECTION


TexWisGirl said…
a very pretty shot!

(and i remember when you posted that you had deleted all those traveling photos!)
That playground looks like a magical place!

Fence at Sunrise
Jan n Jer said…
Nice shot...great composition n edits!
i love it. a merry go round. too cute!! (:
Kathy said…
Everyone's dream - the little white picket fence!
Carletta said…
Oh! Some little ones have a magical place to play!
I love how it looks like we are peeking into the scene - nicely done Kim!
Linda said…
What a wonderful place for the children...and great treatment of the photo!
Nice shot- and the only thing missing is children playing and laughing!
Kim, USA said…
You are right! Actually the children in these household are all grown up but they did not take out there toys. ^_^
Rose said…
It looks like a place my granddaughter would love!
So lovely! What a sweet little play area tucked behind the fence!
Wifey10 said…
Nice one ate Kim :) Like the effect.. :)

Happy Weekend!x
Roan said…
Makes me think of the book Secret Garden. Well done!
Anonymous said…
What a fun shot. I can almost hear the children's laughter.
JunieRose2005 said…
Oh! What a pretty place! Love the white fence.
genie said…
What a precious play yard. Any child would be happy back there. The fence adds that perfect touch to the overall image. genie
Chubskulit Rose said…
Gorgeous shot ate! Thank you for linking up to Color Connection, hope to see you again next week..

Rose, Ms. Burrito's Mom
moonstar said…
really lovely, whenever i saw a playground i wish i can be little child again and play whatever i want. thanks for the visit and hope you can join us too at green monday meme
Leah H. said…
That is a beautiful playground..

Visiting for Color Connection- hope you can stop by:)

Jessica said…
beautiful playground :-) so love it :-) Dropping by from CC.


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