Good Time

I couldn't believe for two years that I have not visited Philippines my nieces and nephew are already grown up. When I was there last 2009 these kids (nieces and nephew) are tiny. Now just by looking at the photos they are grown up. These are the photos my brother sent to me. Hope to see them this May ^_^

                                                         Linking to COLOR CONNECTION.


chubskulit said…
THey are such cuties! Thanks for joining CC ate.
Lynn said…
Binatilyo na at dalaginding. :)

I would be surprised to see my nieces and nephews when we'll have our vacay in the Phils. soon too. My niece was still a baby when I left. She'll be turning 2 in May na. And my nephew will be going to school na this school year. Ang bilis ng araw diba?
Kim, USA said…
Very much welcome!
Kim, USA said…
Yes ang dali nang panahon ang laki na nila parang kailan nang ako nag babantay at baby pa sila ^_^
Deli said…
As they say time flies so fast :) Hope you will have a great vacation in May. Thanks for the visit.
Leah H. said…
Time flies so fast:( Have a safe trip!

Visiting for color connection- hope you can stop by:)
anney said…
Uso talaga sa kabataan ang ganyang pose ano? hehehe! Adorable kids!

Visiting from color connection
Pyromusical Competition
Seny said…
I know right? but at least you will see them soon...can't wait to see my niece...thanks for stopping by~ Mama's Musings tc!
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