Barn Charm

                                 What are those stick on top of these barn. Are those antennas?

                                                              Linking to BARN CHARM 


Amy Burzese said…
Kim, that is a wonderful barn. The things on top are lightening rods. Lightening should be attracted to the rods which should carry it away from the actual structure.
Mari said…
You found a really nice barn! I like the wreaths on the doors.
Rose said…
This is nice! Are those Christmas wreaths on the door?
TexWisGirl said…
yes, lightening rods. they connect back down into the ground through cables to carry the lightening away from the barn itself.
Cheryl @ TFD said…
Beautiful barn! And I agree with the others. They are lightening rods on the barn.
Keetha Broyles said…
Unanimous - - - lightning rods.
Kim, USA said…
Hi Amy, thanks for the information. I do not have any idea that these are lightning rods. Thanks again I do appreciate your visit too! ^_^
great shot, Kim. looks like you can drive right in. (:
they the anti lightning things?
Anonymous said…
that's a beautiful barn & the paint looks pretty fresh, too

Thank you for joining =)
genie said…
They look like lightening rods to me. That is a tin roof, and they would not want the animals getting electrocuted. That is my guess. It really is a pretty barn, so well maintained. It sure looks a lot nicer than ours. genie

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