Birds in the cage

Every time I see beautiful birds like this and it is inside a cage I can't help but feel sorry, do you feel the same thing?

                                                          Linking to WORLD BIRD WEDNESDAY


HansHB said…
Nice photos! Happy WBW!
Leovi said…
Nice pictures. The birds are very beautiful.
Unknown said…
The first has such beautiful colours!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
eileeninmd said…
They are pretty birds. And yes, I do feel sorry they are stuck in cages, they should be free. Thanks for sharing, have a great day!
Stewart M said…
We have these birds in the wild around our house - next time you go to a place like this why not take some wire cutters!

I thought I’d let you know that I stepped into the void caused by Springmans decision to close down World Bird Wednesday by setting up Wild Bird Wednesday (!) on my photoblog at Paying Ready Attention – Photo Gallery.

Feel free to visit and link.

Stewart M - Australia

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