Friday Fences

According to the story Frederick Meijers built this house and the surrounding as a birthday present to his wife. He made it sure it is a replica of his wife's childhood house. How sweet of her husband right? You can find this house inside the Frederick Meijers Gardens and Sculpture Park, Grand Rapids Michigan

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Big ole house, picket fence, and a red barn! Cant ask for any more than that. Beautiful place.
Jan n Jer said…
Such a lovely home n surroundings!
Rose said…
Imagine getting something like that for your birthday! It is a beautiful place.
what a great home. such a gorgeous garden. i love it. (:
Faye said…
Is the Meijers of the grocery chain? We have several of them in Louisville. Does this house look out over water? The artchitecture just seems to have that in mind. And what a romantic gesture, Mr. Meijers! Your photos are so clean and crisp and capture those soft colors so well.
TexWisGirl said…
a beautiful historic place!
Dianne said…
lovely house and a sweet, thoughtful thing for a husband to do :)
genie said…
What a wonderful story behind this beautiful house. What a fine lice of traditional architecture. Love the old fencing and the porch. What a great place to live.genie
Saun said…
Wow I would love to get that for my birthday. Great shots!
Vores have said…
Great pictures you show. Thanks for your comment on my blog. Wishing you a good weekend :) Hanne Bente
Elaine said…
That is a really lovely house and the fence sets it off beautifully. The history is the icing on the cake.
Evelyn S. said…
Wow....some men really adore(d) their wives! What a beautiful house! I like that it's so well-preserved.

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