Letter- H

                                                Joining Alphabe-Thursday and this weeks letter is H

My niece and my godchild are HANGING in this line. They try to conquer the longest and HIGHEST zip-line in Asia and they did.

                                         My nieces with my godchild try to do HORSE BACK RIDING

                                                              Linking to ALPHABE-THURSDAY
                                                                              COLOR CONNECTION


Cathy Kennedy said…
Your niece and godchild must be awfully brave to travel across a high zip-line. That would scare the hairs off my head! Really fun 'H' post!

Your newest follower, Cathy ^.^
Hometowns USA
Anonymous said…
What great shots of the girls! They look like quite the adventurous ladies!
KM said…
How fun!

*Visiting from Mrs, Jenny's!
storybeader said…
Sounds like a lot of fun! {:-Deb
Ames said…
Zip lines I can do. They look fun. Every horse I seem to sit on tend to run for the barn.~Ames
Annesphamily said…
I thought your brave relatives photos were precious! They are fearless people! Great post and clever choice!
Oh wow! One of the things I have always wanted to do...and hope to still do is get on a zip line ride! Hm..maybe not the longest one...until I try a shorter one first :o)

Cute photos!

Blessings & Aloha!
(still catching up on H posts :o) Hope you get a chance to stop by).
Chubskulit Rose said…
Pretty naman ng mga chikiting na yan.

Thank you for joining last week's Color Connection. Come and join again this week. The linky is up now.
Jenny said…
Hooray for adventure!

It looks like fun, although I think I might hesitate at ziplining.

Yesterday when I was watching our Grandlittles, everytime I asked them what they wanted to do for the day they said, 'Ziplining!'

It didn't happen, but I thought their request was cute!

Thanks for a happy link for the letter "H".


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