
Last week I had a privilege to visit Singapore for four days. One of our plan is to visit the  National Orchid Garden and we did. As we are approaching the Orchid area  we spotted these beautiful plant. Alongside of the pathways we see this flowers in different colors. I can't help but took a lot of photos of this flowers because of it's amazing beauty. 

                                        Linking to MACRO MONDAY, RUBY TUESDAY 2


Rhonda Halushka said…
OMG that last one is so incredibly beautiful! Great photos! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!
Karen said…
Oh what gorgeous blooms Kim!
Unknown said…
I love the second shot! The colours are wonderful.
sunshine said…
Amazing flowers and beautiful photos.
genie said…
What a stunning flower. I agree...I would be taking lots of pictures of it, too. I can't gel but wonder what it is. genie
Jama said…
It's commonly known here are the Peacock flowers, lots of them around the parks and roadside here. I hope you had a lovely time in my country, Singapore.
Liz said…
Back here I think they are called Fire Tree flowers.

My entries:
gerbera daisy
hearts and arrows
Kim, USA said…
Hi Jama, I so like this flower it looks like it is easy to grow. And yes I so like your country and hoping to see more someday. ^_^
Anonymous said…
These are lovely flowers!
Unknown said…
Công ty chuyên thiet ke noi that chuyên thi công xây dựng trang tri noi that với nhiều công trình về thi cong noi that. Chúng tôi cam kết về chất lượng sản phẩm và dịch vụ uy tín về chất lượng tốt nhất. Ngoài những công trình từ Bắc vào Nam chúng tôi cam kết về chất lượng sản phẩm đến thời hạn công trình. Với nhiều dịch vụ tiện ích: thiet ke noi that van phong - thiet ke noi that chung cu - thiet ke noi that can ho - thiet ke noi that biet thu - nha dep 2016 - thiet ke can ho - nha dep - thiet ke showroom - thiet ke van phong - man cua dep - noi that do go

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