The Rooster

The Rooster we passed many rooster the other day as we went for a walk early in the morning. Don't you know I like the sound of a rooster when they crow? ^_^

                                              Linking to RUBY TUESDAY 2, MACRO MONDAY


Lola said…
He's fabulous!

Love your blog too!

Happy RT2!
Lea said…
He is beautiful!
Have a wonderful week!
Lea's Menagerie
betty-NZ said…
That's a great shot! He's so proud and colorful.
Ralph said…
This is a good looking bird, although I would prefer to not hear that sunrise crow at 5:00 AM. The clock radio is my preference :)
Crowing roosters annoy some people, but I'm not one of them!

Desert Reds
A handsome guy. I like their crowing sounds too.
joyce said…
hi,its nice and great photo's too...
Chubskulit Rose said…
Handsome rooster!

Hopping late from Ruby Tuesday.Your comment will be greatly appreciated on my Easter Rubies

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