Friday Fences

Here goes with my Friday Fences this week.

                                                            Linking to Friday Fences


Gerald (SK14) said…
guess that's what i'd call "homely"
LV said…
A perfect combination of barn surrounded by a wooden fence.
Liz Needle said…
What a beautiful old barn. Forgive my ravings, but we just don't have barns like that in Australia, unless they are modern yuppie type barns. Most of ours are galvanised iron and very boring. I love these old wooden barns.
EG CameraGirl said…
This appears to be a well-kept property. Nice!
Tanya Breese said…
this sure is pretty!
Jan n Jer said…
Nice barn n fence together.
Pamela Gordon said…
These are beautiful photos. I like the barn but also the fences in the foreground and background. Pamela
Pat said…
I love the split rail fence in front of these nice, well-maintained barns.
MyMaracas said…
What a beautiful place. You've photographed it beautifully, too.
Crafty Gardener said…
great looking barn, love the colour

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