High Fence

I see this fence at the park.

                                                    Linking to Friday Fences


Hmm, wonder what they are trying to keep out...or in?
Pat said…
A formidable barrier!
EG CameraGirl said…
I guess you won't be jumping over that one. ;))
Jan n Jer said…
Yep...I wonder what they are keeping in or out!!!
Pamela Gordon said…
Great photo. I'm wondering along with everyone else. :)
TexWisGirl said…
quite grown into. :)
LV said…
I would not approach it as the growth might be make you itch.
Gemma Wiseman said…
Looks like a fence that means business. Keeping out the wilds in the park?
Ruth Kelly said…
To keep the deer in perhaps.
Makes a great trellis, though!
sure is tall ... maybe just ur angle? take care. ( :

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