
This coming May our very own Holland, Michigan is going to held another Tulip Festival and it is beautiful in there. So a bunch of friends are now talking on going there for the third time but this time we are going to stay for the night and enjoy the town itself. I also can't wait to see some colors this time it's been a long winter snowy days I need colors...

                                                          Linking to Ruby Tuesday 2


Gemma Wiseman said…
Those tulips are stunning. Dramatic en masse.
love this garden. How are you? Sorry haven't visited a lot time.
DrillerAA said…
I think that winter is about over here in NW Arkansas. The tulips can't be far behind. Excellent images.
Ruth Kelly said…
Tulips are so regal. Here in Utah at Thanksgiving Point, they now hold an annual tulip festival as well.

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