Letter O

The birds are back. But this bird was spotted by me last year. I only hope it will return this year. But Robins are here and is nesting....

                                                      Linking to ABC Wednesday


Anonymous said…
hope for you the robins will come soon!
Reader Wil said…
Hi Kim what a beautiful bird. Is it an O bird! Or did you hide your O word somewhere in your post?
Thanks anyway.
Wil, ABCW Team.
Andrzej said…
Beautiful bird. If you arrive another will certainly also delightful.
fredamans said…
An oriole? Beautiful bird!
Not a type of bird we see in our area. Nice shot. - Margy
Joy said…
Such a beautifully coloured bird, no wonder you are looking forward to them returning.
I keep saying we'll do a feeder...


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