Face of the week#17~Father

The greatest gift I ever had
Came from God; I call him Dad!
~Author Unknown

For the face of the week I am featuring my father. Yesterday, we celebrate Father's day and I remember my father too well as I remember him and my mom every day of my life. My Dad passed away 20 years ago and he was 50 years old. I remember him as a loving father to us. He always had this smile and every time he comes home from his work he always brings goodies for us. He teach us to respect and be a good person. Every Saturday we go to see a movie and on  Sunday we go to church and after that we go eat to our favorite restaurant. As a kid that is already a blast, right? 
I wish my Dad is still here. I wish he see his grandson and granddaughters. And I so wish that he meet my husband and knew him because for sure he will be happy for me. To my Papa I love you so much and for the rest of my life I won't never forget what you thought me, your principle in life is etched right here in my heart. Happy Father's day Papa!!

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Sistertex said…
What a friendly face your Dad has. Wow, 50 is so young to leave this world. So sorry for your loss, as I understand you still missing him after all this time.

I think he was a wonderful choice for 'Face of the Week' this week and I thank you *so* much for sharing him with us. Hugs.

Thank you for participating in 'Face of the Week' and I hope you have a beautiful week!
Tracy F. said…
What a lovely tribute to your dad! My dad has been gone for 16 years, and I still miss him.
Unknown said…
Lovely tribute. and so apt too, considering it was father's day last sunday.
have a happy week ahead.
A very handsome man. Your mum was lucky to be married to him though she couldn't grow old with him . Some day, she will meet him again.
Suburban Girl said…
Yes he is very handsome and so nice to hear he was just as nice on the inside. I am so sorry you lost him so early.
Michael said…
Good choice. Thanks for sharing.
936000 said…
Lovely photo and post for the faces post!
bj said…
A very nice tribute..
Thanks much for coming by...please come again soon.

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