ABC Wednesday

One place that I like to visit again is Detroit Institute of Arts. Hubby and I went there last month and for me one day is not enough. The building is huge and there are so many things to see and I am not the kind of person just to look at paintings or jars but I have to read what's being said in the sign or label. This photo is in the second floor of the building the ENTRANCE to the painting gallery. Geez, I was so excited and thought of wishing that they allow taking photos (no flash) and they allow, I was so happy!

 I like playing EYE SPY but hubby is on a hurry what the heck? Next time I would leave him at home! LOL!!

         I have seen this in the European gallery. These are owned by the past Czars, Prince, Princess etc. I       know this is EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE!!!

                                                        Linking to ABC WEDNESDAY


Unknown said…
Great post for E-day! I am ashamed to admit that i have never been to the DIA. You and everyone else who has been there tells me how much I am missing.
Thanks for the virtual tour.
ABC Wednesday Team
Meryl said…
Great post. We LOVED playing I Spy with our kids. When in London the Victoria and Albert Museum had a backpack of maps and games for the kids to play and search for while in taking in the incredible art.
My daughter still likes Eye Spy on road trips. I've only been to Detroit once and I went by the DIA, but alas, not in it.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team
I loved I Spy the TV series, way back when I was in school! How fun for the kids. Thanks for the tour of the DIA, love to go some day. That tea set there is TDF!! Thank you for coming over and hope you had a great Valentine's.
Lisa said…
I've never been to the DIA, but certainly think it's a place everyone should visit in they are in that town. The European Exhibit is simply Exquisite! And who wouldn't love to spend time in an Eye-Spy room!
eye spy,
what fun game, I love doing it without realizing it.

say cheese said…
new game... eye spy! nice photos on the vintage articles.

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