ABC Wednesday
One place that I like to visit again is Detroit Institute of Arts. Hubby and I went there last month and for me one day is not enough. The building is huge and there are so many things to see and I am not the kind of person just to look at paintings or jars but I have to read what's being said in the sign or label. This photo is in the second floor of the building the ENTRANCE to the painting gallery. Geez, I was so excited and thought of wishing that they allow taking photos (no flash) and they allow, I was so happy!
I like playing EYE SPY but hubby is on a hurry what the heck? Next time I would leave him at home! LOL!!
I have seen this in the European gallery. These are owned by the past Czars, Prince, Princess etc. I know this is EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE!!!
Thanks for the virtual tour.
ABC Wednesday Team
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
what fun game, I love doing it without realizing it.