My AG graduate!!

Wow what a milestone hehehehe for AG to graduate from Kindergarten hehehehe. Watching my nieces and nephew graduated one by one from Kindergarten, and soon this opening of classes this June 2011 they will be in grade school (grade 5, 3 and 1), I can't help but smile. It's been like just yesterday when they are not in school. That wherever I go they all like to tag along. I knew sooner or later they will have their friends of their own. They have some activities of their own and they don't even want to come with us lol!! But I don't want that to happen yet I want to think of them as my babies. AG or Angel Grace is the youngest daughter of my sister. My sister is not a very good mother to them. She is the kind of person who is more of herself than to her children. It came in time when me and my brother took away all her kids from her and she can't do anything about it because we have a reasoned that she can't do against it. AG is Angel Grace and I am the one who...