
Showing posts from February, 2012

Barn Charm

Hubby and I were driving around and this particular barn has a very beautiful story to tell. My hubby told me that his paternal grandmother and grandfather meet here often when they are trashing grain (wheat or oats). I think the love blooms here while both are helping their parents in the fields. I love stories like this because how many people meet in a place were both are working hard. Frankly speaking many young or old now meet each other and claim they fall in love at the bar or  disco house or party what ever kind of parties it is. Comparing the two scenarios I like meeting my man while he is working hard I am working hard than meeting a man under the influence of who know what hehe. Oh by the way, I asked hubby just now, "are they riding the buggy before" hubby just laughed and he said " I imagine because that was in the 1900's" oh my it is really a buggy they are riding. ^_^ I again asked hubby "do you think this is the same barn or it's been f...

Sunday Bridges

We were invited for a garden wedding last year and the park is beautiful. I took a lot of photos and there is the bridge that the town people adorned with flowers. A very gorgeous town!                                                              Linking to SUNDAY BRIDGES

Friday Fences

Taken at Frederick Meijers Garden and Sculpture at Grand Rapids, Michigan                                                            Linking to FRIDAY FENCES                                                                     SHADOW SHOT SUNDAY

My Niece Birthday

Last February 20 my niece turn 10. Yes she is getting there lol! I have not seen them for 2 years and basing on the photos my brother showed me over FB she is getting big and so her brother and sister. I am so happy that she is already 10 years old. I am amazed of how beautiful the cake is. It's very colorful too. And by the way she has lechon or roasted pig lol! According to my brother the office mates of her mamay and papay are going there for lunch and in the afternoon all the kids on the block is going to celebrate with her too. Here are some of the photos. It is also our customed that when it is our birthday we are going to attend mass or if we can't we are going to a shrine and light a candle. That is what my nieces and nephew are doing here. As they lighted the candle they also offer a prayer for their sister who is celebrating her birthday that day.            What about you guys and gals do you have a custom on how to celebrate your...

Barn Charm

                                         Another Barn Charm is here for me to show it all to you.                                                   Linking to BARN CHARM and RUBY TUESDAY 2                                                              The Creative Exchange and Show Off Your Shot    

Sunday Bridges

                                                        Here is my Sunday Bridge this week.                                                            Linking to SUNDAY BRIDGES

Friday Fences

                                               Where does the days go it's Friday Fences again.                                                     Linking to FRIDAY FENCES


clipix  is a free awesome, new and useful tool that is changing the way we organize our lives online. It solves the problem we all have of seeing tons of things online each day and never having a good way to save and organize them. By using clipix , I keep everything I could find online save it and come back later. One factor that I like to organize here in clipix  is my family. Most of my relatives are in Facebook and Twitter I could easily share these post to them. I can also invite them to look at my blog or video online or email them my CLIPIX. My family life is not that chaotic I have some sites that I can consider part of my life like the home remedy website. One time my BIL had a tremendous stomach pain. I immediately look at the home remedy website but it takes me more then 10 minutes locating it. If at that time, I had CLIPIX it is just one click and I am in the website. Thankfully, what I found in the home remedy website I share it to my BIL and he was reliev...


Have you heard this new app in town? It is called PaperKarma . I was blog hopping and stumbled Still In Saint Louis blog and she is featuring about PaperKarma. My reaction was WOW!! It's a fantastic way to get rid of all our junk mail by taking photos from our iphone ( just got one this year cheap!) and voila PaperKarma will contact the mailer and remove you from their distribution list. Doing this, can you imagine how many trees do we save. Even if they say they recycle the papers but how many of us do recycle things? Many that I do know don't recycle they dump papers, cans, bottles in one garbage bag.  Friends do the PaperKarma and SAVE TREES! After downloading the PaperKarma apps this is what  it came out  you are ready to take photos of your  junk mails. Right here I am taking photo. Here I ask to unsubscribed me! How cool is that.  

ABC Wednesday

One place that I like to visit again is Detroit Institute of Arts. Hubby and I went there last month and for me one day is not enough. The building is huge and there are so many things to see and I am not the kind of person just to look at paintings or jars but I have to read what's being said in the sign or label. This photo is in the second floor of the building the ENTRANCE to the painting gallery. Geez, I was so excited and thought of wishing that they allow taking photos (no flash) and they allow, I was so happy!  I like playing EYE SPY but hubby is on a hurry what the heck? Next time I would leave him at home! LOL!!          I have seen this in the European gallery. These are owned by the past Czars, Prince, Princess etc. I       know this is EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE!!!                                             ...

Sundays Bridges

                                             When I took this photo I wonder why that bridge is in there. No house but there is a field and looks like nobody cross that bridge. ^_^                                                       Linking to SUNDAY BRIDGES

Sprint 2/5-2/8 4-Day Sale!

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Sprint for SocialSpark . All opinions are 100% mine.   Yes friends you read it right Sprint has a limited time sale and it is only an online offer! What kind of phones they are giving away free and a $49.99 phone you may wonder? Here are the choices.   Get the Nexus Sâ„¢ 4G  for FREE when you open a new line of service or add to your account.               * Nexus Sâ„¢ 4G  @ FREE online only savings ($50 MIR converts to instant + $99.99 web only savings).   OR    Get the HTC EVOâ„¢ 3D  for only $49.99 when you open a new line of service or add to your account.             *   HTC EVOâ„¢ 3D @ $49.99 online only savings ($50 MIR converts to instant  + $50.00 web only savings).   What you think of these phones are they all too good to be true? I am going to get Nexus because we already have a line in Sprint and to add a...

Red Barn

                                                            Another barn for this week.                                                       Linking this post to BARN CHARM

Rafflecopter Launces - Win Apple iPad2 or 1 of 2 Kindle fires - US/Canada only - Ends in 5 days!

I have an ongoing Valentines giveaway and thankfully I found Rafflecopter to do the mechanical aspect, the organizing of making the giveaway entries fast and easy. With out  Rafflecopter my giveaway won't be like it is today. Soon my Valentines Giveaway will finish and Rafflecopter will do the raffle to who will be the owner and I am looking forward to it. An awesome job for Rafflecopter! Here is a giveaway that is hosted by Rafflecopter. Its' a way of giving back to people who came and use Rafflecopter widger for there giveaways. The magnificent mind who runs Rafflecopter is JR Westbrook and his co-founder Greg Goodson for an excellent job! Not just they have excellent mind they are also generous because we can use Rafflecopter widget for FREE!! Ain't free too good? And Rafflecopter is doing it! Now they are giving away an Apple iPad2 to 1 winner in this Launch Party Giveaway! And if you refer the winner, you'll win a Kindle Fire, sweetttt!! So join the fun and do n...

Sunday Bridges

                             One of those bridges that we found a month ago near Caseville, Michigan                                                               Linking to SUNDAY BRIDGES

A Savings Club Is Here

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Walgreens for SocialSpark . All opinions are 100% mine.   We all know that prescription now days are very expensive hardly to find medicines that are low cost.  Why I can say this is because I found out that the prescribe eye drops of hubby cost $60.00 for only 5ml. Who could imagine that cost a lot for an eye drops? Therefore, I told hubby we have to find a way that the cost of his eye drops can be lessen though we have insurance but it is still expensive. That is when I found out through a friend’s blog that Walgreens Walgreens Prescription Savings Club  exists. How and why I do not know it I do not know. However, after reading the blog we went to our local Walgreens just seven miles away from our house and inquired about it. It is very easy to join for $35.00 a year; a family membership covers everyone in your immediate family, including a spouse, dependents 22 and younger and pets. For individuals it o...