Pilaster lighting

Since at this time of the year we have short daylight and the night is longer every time I passed a house or visiting a friends house I can't help but appreciate their outdoor post mount lighting fixtures . I am a kind of person that is so keen on observing what makes the house has a very good curb appeal. And one thing that I discover is the lighting inside and outside the house. Last Thanksgiving day hubby and I were visiting three of his children and I noticed that my DH son just put up a new pilaster lighting along the driveway. And it looks so cool and just gorgeous. I can't see why hubby won't do it at our driveway. I've been nagging at him to put a post mount lights specifically at the north part of our house because that part of the property is very dark. And I don't like that around the house has a dark part. That's why last Thursday I told him to finished what we had agreed upon to put lights on that side part of the house. And thankfully he agrees ...